Lunar Client, Free capes, and Hacked Clients

Like BadLion, the Lunar Client is also is a cosmetic client. With wings, Capes, and many more. Here is an image of the Lunar Client Store

The Lunar Client Store

The Lunar Client is used by many YouTubers such as



And many more

Free Capes

Capes in Minecraft are always something you have to work hard for or buy. But there are certain mods which allow you to get cretain capes (Note: Only the people who have the mod can see the cape).

Here is the most popular mod for free cape which even I use:

Hacked Clients

Hacked Clients are for people who want to get banned. There is NO reason you should use a hacked client especially in a game like Minecraft. That’s just a clear waste of time.

What hacked clients ARE:

Hacked Clients are clients that help you hack and get things with little or no difficulty.

Why Hacked clients are banned from most servers:

Hacked clients just ruin the fun of playing legit. Also if you have a 1000 win streak and someone ruins it for you that’s just sad.

Minecraft Price $27

Optifine Cape $10

Lunar Client

BadLion, BedWars and Murder Mystery


Badlion is a very nice Minecraft launcher that provides great cosmetics, animated capes, 3D skins, and more. But the thing is, all of them cost money. The cosmetics in particular. Here are some pictures of BadLion Client cosmetics:


Bedwars is a MiniGame in a server where the main goal is: Protect your bed and break other beds and kill all the others. Here is one of my videos on BedWars

BedWars is actually one of the most popular MiniGames after Murder Mystery.

Murder Mystery

Murder Mystery is the most popular minigame of all time, especially on Hypixel. Murder Mystery is so popular because of it’s big mystery and adventure on who the murderer is. I myself make a lot of videos on Murder Mystery.

So that’s it for today folks!

Minecraft Price – $27

OptiFine Cape – $10

My channel –

BadLion Client –